Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): JAIA - Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Applications
Published: 2024-03-28
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JAIA - The Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Applications published 2 (two) times published in April and October by the STMIK-AMIK Riau Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) which was first published in 2020. The Research Journal as a means to support papers / articles in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Besides that JAIA journal also contains regional support and technology development in other fields.

JAIA accepts papers / articles that have not been published by other media or are in the process of being reviewed. Reviews will be made of all incoming texts. The results of the review will be sent to each author within 1 (one) month from the manuscript sent to the editor. The language in the JAIA Journal is English.

Copyright and Originality of each paper / article to be published will be published for all authors with the publication of the "Statement of Publication Ethics" that we have provided. Papers that have been presented at conferences / seminars but have improved the editing process that are large enough to be published for publication in the SATIN Journal.

We invite you to send papers to JAIA. Papers to be sent can follow the JAIA template and must follow the instructions that we provide. in the form of softcopy can be sent via the Submission page in the form of a file with the extension. Docx (Microsoft Word) and NOT in the form of Portable Document File (PDF). The editor has the right to change the text for the purposes of refinement and layout settings, without changing the essence of the writing. For very basic improvements, the editor will ask the writer for improvement.

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